The Wheel of Fortune


All of the Colors

The Wheel of Fortune likes to play with all forms of life, preferring to see every type of experience as good. He knows that life brings unexpected events, but he is excited by change, as his nature is optimistic.

Goodness and perfection can be symbolized by the color white and white contains all colors, all wavelengths of the visible spectrum. Like the color white, all of the ups and downs of life are just different versions of goodness and perfection to the Wheel of Fortune.

Don't look here!

Cruel Corners

The eyes of the Wheel of Fortune are like two flashlights. Anything he looks at becomes illuminated. He can’t see shadow. But sooner or later, willing or unwilling, he will discover the shadowy corners of the world and will be left in the dark as to how it is good. The wicked side of nature will shock him. He will experience first hand what unfairness is.

Other Awesome Types!


I love this guy!


So helpful!