

As we give, so shall we receive. It is only fair that our actions get reflected back to us. One of the greatest principles of morality is to not interfere with the basic freedoms and rights of others. Rich or poor, young or old, all are equal, all should be treated fairly. Harm to others should not be tolerated.

The purpose of punishments are to inflict lesser suffering in order to prevent greater suffering. A parent may punish their child for bad behavior, in order to prevent a lifetime of bad behavior. A murderer can be sentenced to death or imprisonment in order to prevent more murders. The consequences of the actions of others must be imposed back onto them if they themselves will not learn to change their behavior.

The principal quality in those who act immorally is that they perceive themselves as completely separate individuals, rather than treating others as brothers and sisters. We all share the same one world. To hurt another is to hurt oneself.

Our minds are best used for discerning proper action. They must be sharpened to a fixed point that cuts through all confusion and resistant attitudes. We ought to respond to our best ideas with immediate action. We must constantly adjust ourselves and the world for greater balance.

Justice Meets the Hanged Man

He is passive when she is active, indifferent when she is passionate, uncertain when she is certain. Underneath her conviction, it turns out the opposite was true. Or at the very least, things are certainly not what they seem. 

Relationships with Other Types


Put in balance by Justice