The Hanged Man

Feeling exhausted from the ways of the world, a man sat below a tree to contemplate. Then without thinking, he climbed the tree and hung upside from it. From this new perspective, he observed himself and the world. What was known became unknown. What was unknown became known. For this wisdom, there was a heavy price to pay and only he could pay it.

The Mundane World

The Traitor

I am caring less and less about all outer happenings. It is not a negative attitude, there is simply no attachment. There are new inexpressible inner movements that I do care about, and I let them sway me in the strange new ways they show me. If I engage the world, it will enter my being and block the movements I care about, so I withdraw. I accept nothing and surrender to the unknown. Nothing is as it seems.

The World Tree as a Cause of Separation

It is nearly impossible to relate to anything. To be conscious of ordinary things is a struggle. I feel myself slipping away and I wonder if I’ll ever come back. I don’t know what to do or how to be. I don’t know the way forward or the way back. There is nothing to hold onto except these disturbing emotions.

The Way Out

Is there a way out?
A light at the end of the tunnel?
Effort without certainty.
Effort without comfort.
Effort without assistance.
He does in the end, find the way.

What is Life?

A willing sacrifice, the Hanged Man, dies.

It was not his desire for death, but the death of his desire.

Resurrection comes, with a full reversal of everything he feels.

A drop of rain absorbed into the ocean, ecstatic flowing movements.

Relationships with Other Types


Helped by the Hanged Man


Helps the Hanged Man