The Fool

The Fool naturally feels a sense of a spiritual dimension where everything is connected, beautiful, and good. She is attracted to a sense of freedom felt in nature, travel, and new experiences. As an optimist at heart, she feels the positive potential for herself and those around her.

Looking Up

Life can be wonderful if we simply allow it to be. Let go of unnecessary worries and soak in beautiful experiences. Float in feelings of interconnectedness. No need for rules or separation. We’re all one.

The Cliff

The felt sense of a heavenly non-duality can be experienced so strongly that she may feel repulsed from any discomfort as though it has no right to exist. Principals of unity can lead her to believe that there is no better or worse and that there is no need for her to ever sacrifice anything. The only source of trouble seems to be coming from others who fail to recognize this.

Judging the world so totally from feelings can come at a cost of thinking. In her earlier, undeveloped state, considerations of rational cause and effect can be almost completely ignored, preventing her from taking proper responsibility and seeing the world in its most practical actuality.

The Self Actualized Fool

In order for the Fool to overcome her challenge and grow into her greater potential, she needs to integrate the positive attributes of the Magician, who better than any, can see the material world rationally, with constant ways to improve it.